Matt Buechele

“All Musicals Sound Like This To Me” is the title of a brief video that comedian Matt Buechele from New York uploaded last month. Matt Buechele skillfully parodies the conventional elements of the genre in the video, highlighting the heartfelt emotion of our favorite show tunes. With over a million views, the article went viral on Twitter and made musical theatre students feel both noticed and assaulted. Prominent figures such as Brian Koppelman, the creator of Billions, and Mike Birbiglia, a favorite storyteller on Broadway, praised the comedian’s interpretation of the genre. Buechele became one of our favorite people to follow on Twitter after the song’s breakthrough, demonstrating his enormous talent as a comic and offering more biting comments on the genre. We recently got the opportunity to speak with Buechele about his songs, comedies, and musical theatre.  Our conversation is available to read below.

Intermission Magazine: Your Musical Spoofs Hit Close to the Core of the Style: Could You Tell Me Where They Came From and What Inspired You to Compose Them

Matt Buechele

Matt Buechele: I was burning out after several years of intermittently writing and performing comedies in New York to varied degrees of success. A few months ago, I decided to concentrate on creating shareable, short films with a straightforward concept. I had previously shied away from my musical abilities, but a longstanding buddy who is a comedian advised me I should embrace them more and that musical theatre was ideal for tropes, parodies, etc. Being around individuals in the theatre industry since I was a child and watched a lot of Disney movies, I was quite familiar with both classic and more modern works.

Musical Theater is Infamous for Being Ridiculed: Many Others Find Satisfaction in It as Well: Why Do You Suppose It Has Such a Poor Reputation

Matt Buechele

I’ve given this a lot of thought. There will always be a subset of readers who find the fantasy aspect of the genre intolerable. The silliest gripe folks have is that no one ever just starts singing! And, you know, we also have actual recording artists that release diss recordings to talk about their issues; it sounds fairly dramatic to me as well. It’s tragic, in my opinion, that those who don’t take musical theatre seriously allow a piece of their childhood fantasies to fade away. Many individuals find it difficult or too effeminate to accept that tales may be communicated by dancing, singing, stage changes, and other artistic mediums, but this is a prerequisite for taking musical theatre seriously.

This Seems Like A Child’s Taekwondo Timetable: TikTok Comedians Advocate for the Termination of Hybrid Employment

Matt Buechele

The lockdown is finished. The masks are no longer on. For the time being, most of the pandemic’s necessary customs have passed. Then why, like children of divorced parents, are adult children being made to divide their time between their home workstation and the office?

Comic Matt Buechele has had enough of the half-baked, half-empty drivel known as the “hybrid work schedule,” a term so stylish that it nearly obscures the reality that it refers to a configuration that amalgamates the worst aspects of both worlds. You spend two days at work, with the workdays appearing to be chosen at random every Thursday afternoon, and spend three days at home receiving messages from colleagues who mistakenly scheduled you for an in-office meeting, not realizing that you’re actually on the A rotation this week rather than the C. Sufficient.

In a now-viral TikTok video, Matt Buechele publicly calls out the HR ignoramus of the world who somehow believed that choosing a side in the conflict between work-from-home and in-office work caused by mandatory lockdowns was more productive than having perpetual instability. While your team leader is battling to get Zoom to function for the individuals on the H schedule, watch it in the breakout area.

What City Do You Call Home?

Matt Buechele

Comedian Matt Buechele, also known as the Internet’s heartthrob and dubbed “a perfect Sleepy Boy” by a CoJ reader, explains the differences between three distinct kinds of living arrangements.

“You come home from work and there will be like two cowboys on the television and you’re like, ‘Oh, what are you watching?’ and they’re like, ‘Oh, it’s a show called Outlaws’ and you’re like, ‘What the hell is Outlaws’,” he recalls. “When you have roommates, you watch way more TV than you planned.” You find yourself composing fan fiction and viewing seven seasons in a single day.

How about sharing a home with a spouse? “You can pose romantic queries, such as, “Do we need anything more from Rite Aid? I’m going to go get paper towels.” they say, “I’m on a Zoom,” to which you respond, “Okay, cool.”

Living alone is the third arrangement, in which case you will find yourself speaking aloud. “People think that living alone must be quite frightening. “Do you ever get scared when you hear noises?” asks Matt. It’s like, ‘No, I’m not scared. I’m too busy venting my frustrations against everyone who has ever harmed me by presenting and appearing as a guest on an imaginary podcast.

Matt Buechele

Okay! I have three questions for you: * Do you live alone? * Do you share a home with someone? What quirky small details exist in your home?

My two children, who reside in Brooklyn, throw more socks on the floor than I could have ever imagined. Preteens eat so much, that we always keep two gallons of whole milk in the refrigerator. We also enjoy reading together on my bed with the fan running, each of us with our book. When I’m traveling alone, I love to do anything I want. That could be going out to dinner with friends or just lounging on the couch with cheese and crackers and a great TV comedy. Being the only adult in the house, I was afraid I might feel lonely, but I don’t, even though I miss the boys when they’re gone for more than a night.

What Has Recently Made You Laugh?

Matt Buechele

First, comedian Matt Buechele shared a humorous reel about Airbnbs that highlights the increasingly complex check-out procedures. “What is the deal we have? Do you employ me?”)

Next, read the entire amazing message from Hunter Harris, with particular attention to this cultural observation: “I’m not sure whether you’ve noticed, but the vibes are Sincerely off lately. Everything has the vibe of Annette Bening from 20th Century Women looking into space while taking a bath. Very much like Big Little Lies’ Meryl Streep yelling at the dinner table. I would even go so far as to suggest that in Black Swan, Natalie Portman questioned Barbara Hershey about her profession.


I was just asked my dear grandmother’s age by my cousin. “I am forty-two,” she assertively said. “You’re not 92, Mummy,” my aunt reminded her. With a giggle, my grandmother said, “Oh my god, am I really?” The best, in spirit always youthful.

By Muhammad Salman

Salman is a professional content writer. He has more than 5 years of experience in writing Biographies, lilfestyle and fashion related content. He is passionate about his profession and always provide useful and updated content for his audience.

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