Israel-Hamas War

Israel-Hamas War: There have been 3,785 Palestinian deaths in Israeli bombings since the crisis started on October 7. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that 1,524 children and 1,000 women have died. In Gaza, more and more people are still being hurt.

The shocking numbers show that the humanitarian situation in the already troubled Gaza Strip is getting worse, which is very worrying. In addition to the deaths, Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesman for the Palestinian Health Ministry, said that 12,493 Palestinians had been hurt in the ongoing fighting.

Additionally, there has been a terrible cost to healthcare workers; 44 have died while doing their jobs.

Four hospitals and fourteen other necessary healthcare facilities have shut down, making things worse and leaving people in serious need of medical care.

This is how things stand as of Thursday, October 19, 2023.

Israel-Hamas War update                                        

A bomb went off at Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital in the West Bank on Tuesday, killing 471 people, police said. The blast was blamed on an Israeli air strike by Gaza’s health minister, but Israel said it was a failed rocket launch by a terrorist group.

There are no signs of an Israeli attack, but the DRM said the most likely thing is a Palestinian rocket that went off course while being launched.

News agency Reuters saw a story from the US on Thursday that said they didn’t think Israel was behind the blast. The report said that 100 to 300 people died.

The DRM said an Israeli rocket could not have fit through the hole because it was too small.

According to the DRM, “The most likely theory is a Palestinian rocket, which exploded with a charge of about 5 kilos.” They also said that Palestinian groups had rockets with that kind of charge that were not very powerful.

Politicians told the DRM to share this information even though they don’t usually do so because there are different stories about who is guilty.

Pieces of Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system or rockets that were taken were ruled out as possibilities.

Some of the studies came from open sources. For example, it was known that the hospital only had minor damage (a few broken windows) and that there weren’t many civilian things at the blast site.

The DRM couldn’t say where the failed rocket took off, though, and they wouldn’t point the finger at any group.

While it wouldn’t say how many died, it was thought to be less than 471 based on the damage.

Israel said it would destroy Hamas after an attack on October 7 killed 1,400 Israelis. The 2.3 million people who live in Gaza are now locked down because of this. Over 4,100 people have died, and over a million have lost their homes in the area.

A severe lack of medicines during the Israel-Hamas War

Gaza’s healthcare system is about to fall apart as the disaster worsens. In a terrible situation, Ashraf al-Qudra said, “There are no medicine stocks in any of the hospitals in Gaza.” People who need care immediately are in even more pain because there aren’t enough medical goods.

International Concern Grows About Israel-Hamas War.

What’s going on in Gaza is making people worldwide increasingly worried. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other international groups have warned about the area’s terrible state of emergency aid.

More and more people are calling for urgent humanitarian help as the number of injuries and deaths rises.

As the conflict continues, the world is under more and more pressure to move quickly to stop the violence and ease the terrible suffering in Gaza. It becomes increasingly clear every day that there needs to be a long-term peace solution.


Abdullah, the Arab king

At the Cairo Peace Summit on Saturday, King Abdullah of Jordan said that moving Palestinians against their will would be a war crime. Israel is preparing to invade Gaza on the ground after a 1,400-person Hamas attack. The meeting is going on at the same time. Israel-Hamas War

More than 4,100 Palestinians have died because of Israel’s counteroffensive, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. This makes the already terrible humanitarian situation even worse.

By Anees

Anees is a professional content writer. He has more than 5 years of experience in writing Biographies, lilfestyle and fashion related content. He is passionate about his profession and always provide useful and updated content for his audience.

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